Hazardous Waste Disposal Near me
By definition these materials can be harmful and should never go into your community’s regular trash. The materials listed below have commonly been referred to as household hazardous waste or HHW but are now commonly referred to as home generated special materials.
These materials include:
- Automotive products (antifreeze, fluids, motor oil, oil filters, gasoline, polish and wax)
- Batteries (home and vehicle)Electronics ( TV, computers, laptops, cell phones, printers, fax machines, MP3 players, DVD/CD/tape players, and more)
- Fluorescent light bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)
- Household cleaners ( ammonia, drain cleaner, rust remover, tile/shower cleaner and more)
- Universal materials( include mercury containing items: thermometers, thermostats)
- Paint products ( oil-based paint, latex paint, spray paint, caulk, wood preservative, wood stain)
- Garden chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, insecticides)
- Sharps (needles and lancets)
- Swimming Pool Chemicals
In certain communities, some of these materials can be collected at the home. It’s important that residents keep these materials separate from regular trash. It is not recommended to place down a sink or storm drain – it could contaminate groundwater or potentially flow into larger bodies of water.
Return-by-mail Recycling Kits
Our household hazardous waste recycling kits are postage-paid, return-by-mail programs your residents can order online. They simply mail the items back to us for environmentally responsible treatment and disposal.