Hazardous Waste Disposal Raleigh NC
Find the item you have and find the correct method of collection.
Books, CDs, DVDs, VHS Tapes and Printer Ink
Books are accepted at Wake County Convenience Centers.
CDs (compact discs), DVDs, Floppy Disks are accepted at the Wake Multi-Materials Facility, (fees and postage required), CD Recycling Center (postage required). At the Multi-Materials Facility, CD/DVDs, including cases, must be put in with the electronics, not plastics. The Multi=Materials Facility also accepts VHS Tapes.
Ink Jet and Toner Cartridges may be accepted at local office supply stores such as Staples, Office Max/Office Depot and Cartridge World.
Cars, Car Parts and Motor Oil
Junk Cars are accepted at Kars4kids, Raleigh Metals Processors, and TT&E.
Cars (running or fixable) are accepted at the National Kidney Foundation and Wheels4Hope.
Tires are accepted at the Wake Multi-Materials Facility.
Clothes, Shoes, Hangers and Child/Baby Items
Car Seats, Toys and Strollers (all in good condition) are accepted at the Wake Multi-Materials Facility.
Sneakers only, no other shoes, are accepted at select Nike stores.
Clothing and Shoes are accepted at the Wake County Convenience Centers as well as most charity organizations and thrift shops will accept for resale/reuse.
Plastic hangers are accepted at the City of Raleigh Yard Waste Recycling Drop Off Center. Look for the roll-off container labeled "Rigid Plastics." Many dry cleaners will accept clothes hangers for reuse. Metal hangers may be recycled in the scrap-metal bins at all Wake County Convenience Centers.
Electronic Recycling
Electronics is considered any household item with a plug. Common e-waste includes computer equipment, monitors, TVs, telephones, stereos, video players, game consoles and small appliances.
Residents may contact the City of Raleigh’s Solid Waste Services customer care number at 919-996-3245, to schedule a pickup. Electronics are collected every Monday and taken to Wake County e-waste recycling drop off facility at:
- North Wake Multi-Material Recycling Facility
9029 Deponie Drive, Raleigh, NC 27614Open to residents and businesses
Monday–Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- South Wake Multi-Material Recycling Facility
6130 Old Smithfield Road, Apex, NC 27539Open to residents and businesses
Monday–Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cooking Oil & Grease
The City of Raleigh runs an annual program to collect cooking oil and grease at the curbside helping to prevent sewer overflows. From November 1st through January 15th Raleigh residents are able to recycle these products by calling Solid Waste Services at 919-996-3245 to set up a collection date. Once the appointment date is set, residents put the cooking oil and grease on the curb along with their garbage, recycling and yard waste.
Churches and synagogues in Raleigh can also participate in the program at no charge.
Commercial establishments in Raleigh are not eligible for the service.
Program Information
- A minimum of 1 gallon of cooking oil is required to set up a collection date.
- Only animal grease and vegetable cooking oil can be collected curbside.
- Residents must place cooled cooking oil in a plastic bottle or jug and write "Cooking Oil" on the outside of the container.
- Cooled grease can be placed in a coffee can with a lid.
- No glass containers are collected.
- Motor oil and other petroleum products are not acceptable.
The goal of the program is to protect the environment by keeping cooking oil and grease out of the City's sewer system and to prevent sewer overflows. The collected cooking oil and grease is converted to bio-fuels, a renewable source of energy used to power vehicles, heat homes and cook food. The holiday season typically generates a high amount of grease from holiday gatherings.
The program is a joint effort of the City of Raleigh's Public Utilities, Solid Waste Services and Communications departments and Key Energy. Based in Pittsboro, Key Energy is a recycling company that will turn the City's used cooking oil into biodiesel fuel.
Dead Animals
Solid Waste Services will collect a dead animal that has been placed at the curbside. Residents may put the animal in a bag or a box if desired. Please do not place a dead animal in the garbage cart or recycling bin.