Hazardous Waste Disposal Sydney

Next drop-off day
Our next Chemical CleanOut drop-off will be on Saturday 15 July 2017 from 9am to 3pm.
Sydney Park Depot
54 Barwon Park Road
St Peters 2044
Hazardous household waste
Any leftover chemicals you have at home – including paints, solvents, pesticides and even cleaning products – should not be put in your household bins. These might be hazardous and should be disposed of safely.
The City of Sydney and the NSW Environment Protection Authority run chemical drop-off days.
The City's next Chemical CleanOut collection will be held on, at the Sydney Park Depot, 54 Barwon Park Road, St Peters.
What to bring
These chemicals and other products are accepted at CleanOuts:
- solvents and household cleaners
- paints and thinners
- pesticides and herbicides
- poisons
- aerosols
- pool chemicals
- motor oils, fuels and fluids
- acids and alkalis
- car batteries
- household batteries
- hobby chemicals such as photographic chemicals
- gas bottles
- fire extinguishers
- fluorescent lamps
- light globes
- smoke alarms
- cosmetics and skincare.
Only household (not commercial) quantities are accepted.
The maximum container size is 20kg or 20L.
Please transport your items carefully and stay in your vehicle at the drop-off site – an attendant will come to you.
Next stop for the chemicals
Many chemicals collected on the day are recycled.
Others need to be disposed of correctly and safely if sent to landfill because toxic elements such as mercury, cadmium and lead could leach into the environment.
This is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the Waste Levy and delivered in partnership with the City of Sydney.