Industrial Waste Disposal
The following two parts were updated from the proposed ordinance on October 6, 2008. |
“Food service establishment” means a facility engaged in preparing food for consumption by the public such as a restaurant, bakery, commercial kitchen, caterer, hotel, school, religious institution, hospital, prison, correctional facility, or care institution. D. For the purpose of this section, discharges resulting from garbage grinders powered by motors less greater than one and one-half horsepower, in food service establishments in accordance with the provisions of Title 28 of this code and where such facilities are not required by other provisions of this Division 2, are not considered to be industrial waste discharges. |
The following part was updated on the proposed ordinance on October 15, 2008.
C. A plan and schedule for the removal and legal disposal of FOG removed from effluent by a FOG disposal system and/or GRD. When so required by the director, such a plan and schedule may include the maintenance of a log record detailing cleaning, repair, inspection, accidental spill and disposal events in connection with the system or device. The director shall have access to any required log during reasonable business hours and may specify a time period during which such a log is maintained. |
The following five parts were updated on the proposed ordinance on October 29, 2008.
“FOG disposal system” means a grease interceptor that reduces non-petroleum fats, oils, and grease (FOG) in effluent by separation, and mass and volume reduction. “Gravity grease interceptor” means a plumbing appurtenance or appliance that is installed in a sanitary drainage system to intercept non-petroleum FOG from a wastewater discharge and is identified by volume, 30-minute retention time, baffle(s), a minimum of two compartments, a minimum total volume of 750 gallons, and gravity separation. “Grease interceptor” means a plumbing appurtenance or appliance that is installed in a sanitary drainage system to intercept non-petroleum FOG from a wastewater discharge. “Grease removal device (GRD)” means any hydromechanical grease interceptor that automatically, mechanically removes non-petroleum FOG from the interceptor, the control of which are either automatic or manually initiated. “Hydromechanical grease interceptor” means a plumbing appurtenance or appliance that is installed in a sanitary drainage system to intercept non-petroleum FOG from a wastewater discharge and is identified by flow rate, and separation and retention efficiency. The design incorporates air entrainment, hydromechanical separation, interior baffling, and/or barriers in combination or separately, and one of the following: |
The following part was updated on the proposed ordinance on May 18, 2009.
Fee tables have been updated to current fiscal year fees.
The following part was updated from the proposed ordinance on September 14, 2009.
Jurisdictions owning sanitary sewer systems greater than one mile in length that are tributary to or within a sewer maintenance district pursuant to Division 3 of this Title 20 shall enroll in the State Board Order and shall develop a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) including adopting legal authority for the control of SSO equivalent to Chapters 20.26 20.34 and 20.36 of this Title 20. Jurisdictions that do not contract with the Department for Industrial Waste Control Program services shall provide the director with evidence of FOG control program elements to effectively control FOG discharges from industrial and commercial sources. If a tributary enrollee determines that a FOG program is not needed, the enrollee shall provide justification to the director for why it is not needed. Tributary jurisdictions shall furnish evidence to the director of compliance with the State Board Order within 60 days from the effective date of this section or any submittal date specified in the State Board Order, which ever occurs later. Failure to submit the required information may cause the director to initiate procedures to exclude the jurisdiction from a sewer maintenance district. |