Oilfield Waste Disposal Companies

Our Competitive Edge: Comprehensive Waste Disposal and Processing
Many exploration and production companies struggle with a lack of infrastructure to efficiently process and dispose of the solid wastes and high-solids-content fluids produced by the drilling and production process. As a result, these waste streams must often be transported long distances to facilities capable of handling them.
Petro Waste Environmental is addressing this infrastructure shortage. We are developing one of the largest networks of oil field waste-processing and disposal facilities in the state, strategically located throughout the Eagle Ford and Permian Basin plays. When this network is complete, Petro Waste will provide all forms of non-hazardous waste processing and disposal at its various facilities.
Petro Waste is continually adding new facilities to ensure sufficient infrastructure in the future, as these plays continue to be drilled. The needs of the oil and gas operators in these areas are a blueprint for our long-term planning.
We are financially stable and unwavering in our commitment to serving you, the producer. When you need us, we’ll be there – today, tomorrow and a decade from now. We offer:
- Convenient, efficient waste disposal for all non-hazardous oil field wastes
- State-of-the-art facilities that meet or exceed regulatory compliance laws
- Logistical proximity of facilities to drill sites and producing fields, which can significantly reduce transportation costs, benefitting our customers, as well as our neighbors