Electronic Waste Disposal Sites
Using electronic products is as much a part of our daily activities as driving a car or using a microwave oven. But, unlike cars or ovens, these products quickly become out of date. The problem is that electronic wastes (e-waste), such as televisions, computers and computer monitors, contain toxic substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium, lithium, brominated flame retardants, phosphorous coatings, and PVC plastics that create dioxins when burned. Although these devices are safe to use, when thrown away they can release these toxics, posing a threat to human health and the environment. The best solution is to be sure e-waste is recycled.
Some electronic wastes are regulated as hazardous waste when generated by businesses, including electronics that contain cathode ray tubes, mercury lamps, and circuit boards. Universal Waste Management Companies can ensure your electronics are handled and recycled in accordance with all regulatory requirements. Maine residents, elementary and secondary schools, and businesses with 100 or fewer employees can recycle some of their e-waste at little to no cost through Maine's product stewardship program. Check the “Help ME Recycle” quick link to find collection locations near you.
From January 2006 through December 2016, Maine residents recycled more than 90 million pounds of electronics with the help of electronics manufacturers!
For more information on recycling and disposal of electronic waste from businesses, contact the Hazardous Waste staff at (207) 287-7688.
For more information on recycling and disposal of electronic waste from households and schools, contact the E-Waste Program staff at (207) 287-7688.