Maple Grove Waste Disposal
Garbage service in the City of Maple Grove is provided by various licensed refuse haulers. Residents and businesses may select the provider that best fits their needs.
The City's recycling is collected under a City-wide organized program by a single independent contractor, Republic Services.
- Replacement container
- Change size of container
- Discontinue service
- Customer service/concerns
Please note that recycling containers should be left with the home if you move.
Missed Pickups
If your container was at the curb by 7 a.m. and not picked up by 7 p.m. on your regularly scheduled day, please contact the Engineering Department (763-494-6361) before 10 a.m. the following day. Recycling service is provided bi-weekly. The maps and calendars below are helpful in keeping track of your recycling weeks.
Pickup Days and Zones
No service on holidays
If your regular collection day falls on or following one of these holidays, collection will be one day later for the remainder of the week through Saturday.
- New Year's Day
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day