Waste Disposal Wexford
Ecycling Recycling, LLC (...From Bytes to Bits), a free electronic recycling center in Wexford, is holding its grand opening on Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013. Ecycling is opening its doors to those who need a place to properly dispose of electronics.
Pennsylvania is now one of 25 states that will implement laws on electronic waste. Bottom line: you can no longer leave your electronics at the curb and expect the garbage truck to pick up.
Ecycling accepts desktop and notebook Pcs and servers, computer mice and keyboards, printers and copiers, televisions, monitors, small kitchen appliances (mixers, toasters), stereo equipment (including car stereos), laser, multifunction scanners and fax machines, video game consoles, electronic cables, microwaves, VCR &DVD players, cell phones, telephones and phone systems, zip drives and PDAs. The best part...it's all free!
Ecycling does accept some other items, at a fee. These include lamps (fluroescent lighting, incandescent, halogen, mercury vapor, HIDS), CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, magnetic tapes (VHS, cassette, DAT LTO), freon-containing appliances (small air conditioning units, dehumidifieers and household batteries (lithium ion, NiCAD, NiHM, Alkalines).
Ecycling Recycling, LLC is located at 11490 Perry Highway Wexford, PA 15090. Their hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.