Waste Disposal Certificate
Persons who transport radioactive waste or have radioactive waste transported into or within the State of Tennessee to a disposal/processing facility are required to obtain a License-for-Delivery from the Division of Radiological Health (DRH). Persons whose activities result in the generation of radioactive waste have the primary responsibility to assure that a License-for-Delivery is obtained.
What Information Must I Provide?
Applicants must submit the following before any radioactive waste is transported to a disposal/processing facility in Tennessee.
- Application For Radioactive Waste License-for-Delivery (Form RHS 8-30)
- License fee
- Required certificate of liability insurance or bond
The application form requires information concerning the applicant, the person responsible for radioactive waste shipments, shipment location, total estimated pounds, complete waste descriptions, the prominent radionuclides and estimated radioactivity, the broker, and the carrier.
How Is The Application Processed?
Upon receipt of the application and license fees, the application is reviewed for completeness. If necessary, the Division sends a deficiency letter(s) to the applicant. No public notice is required. A Tennessee Radioactive Waste License-for-Delivery will be issued within 60 days of the receipt of an adequate application and/or response(s) from the applicant as determined by the Division. The entire process normally takes one (1) to two (2) months. The License-for-Delivery expires December 31 of each year and must be renewed. To renew the License-for-Delivery, a new application and certificate of liability insurance or bond must be submitted along with the fee.
What Fees Are Required?
An application fee of $850 is required for the license. If the license is renewed, a subsequent fee of $850 is required for each calendar year.
What Are My Rights And Responsibilities After The License-for-Delivery Is Granted?
The licensee may proceed with the approved activities of the license. The license may be transferred in accordance with the rules and regulations and with the written consent of the Division and both parties. The licensee also has the right to request an amendment of the license.
The licensee is required to comply with the conditions of the Tennessee Radioactive Waste License-for-Delivery License and State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation; all other applicable State and Federal laws; and any requirements and/or conditions deemed necessary by the disposal/process facility regarding the packaging, transportation, storage, disposal and delivery of radioactive wastes. The applicant also is responsible for renewing the License-for-Delivery each year.
What Are The Division's Rights And Responsibilities After The License-For-Delivery Is Granted?
The Division has the right to inspect the licensee, the shipper, the carrier, shipment records and other parties having information related to radioactive waste shipments. License violations are subject to civil penalties of up to $5, 000 per day per violation.
The Division is responsible for regulating sources of radiation in order to protect the health and welfare of the people and environment of the State of Tennessee.
Applicants may refer to the following publications:
Applicants may obtain a copy of Tennessee's State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation by sending a request and a check for $15.00 made payable to Treasurer: State of Tennessee to the following address:
State of Tennessee
Division of Radiological Health
William Snodgrass Tennessee Tower