Shelby County Waste Disposal
The Sanitation Department is responsible for the collection of household waste, yard waste, leaf collection and curbside recycling. The division works under the general direction of the Sanitation Supervisor who coordinates the daily work schedules of twenty nine employees.
Phone: (901) 457-2800
Collierville Public Services will be closed Monday, January 16th in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Garbage, Recyclables, and Commercial will be picked up the day after your regular collection day. There will be no appliance pick up on Thursday, January 19th. The next available appliance pick up will be Thursday, January 26th.
Sanitation crews will be working President’s Day, Monday, February 20th. Collection for the week will be as regularly scheduled.
Collierville Public Services will be closed Friday, April 15th in observance of Good Friday. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Garbage and recyclables and Commercial pick up will run as regularly scheduled.
Collierville Public Services will be closed Monday, May 29th in observance of the Memorial Day. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Garbage, Recyclables, and Commercial will be picked up the day after your regular collection day. There will be no appliance pick up on Thursday, June 1st. The next available appliance pick up will be Thursday, June 8th.
Collierville Public Services will be closed Tuesday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Monday's Garbage, Recyclables, and Commercial routes will be picked up on your regular collection day. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays routes will be picked up the day after your regular collection day. There will be no appliance pick up on Thursday, July 6th. The next available appliance pick up will be Thursday, July 13th.
Collierville Public Services will be closed Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Garbage, Recyclables, and Commercial routes will be picked up the day after your regular collection day. There will be no appliance pick up on Thursday, September 7th. The next available appliance pick up will be Thursday, September 14th.
Sanitation crews will be working Columbus Day, Monday, October 9th. Collection for the week will be as regularly scheduled.
Collierville Public Services will be closed on Veteran’s Day, Saturday, November 11th. Collection for the week will be as regularly scheduled.
Public Services will be closed Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th in observance of Thanksgiving. However, the Sanitation Division will be working on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 23rd. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Garbage, Recyclables, and Commercial will run as regularly scheduled. There will be no appliance pick up on Thursday, November 23rd. The next available appliance pick up will be Thursday, November 30th.
Collierville Public Services will be closed Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th in observance of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The Sanitation Division will be working on Tuesday, December 26th. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Garbage, Recyclables, and Commercial routes will be picked up the day after your regular collection day. There will be no appliance pick up on Thursday, December 28th. The next available appliance pick up will be Thursday, January 11th, 2018.
NEW YEAR (2018)
Collierville Public Services will be closed Monday, January 1st in observance of the New Years Holiday. The Sanitation collection schedule for the week will be as follows:
Garbage, Recyclables, and Commercial routes will be picked up the day after your regular collection day. There will be no appliance pick up on Thursday, January 4th. The next available appliance pick up will be Thursday, January 11th, 2018.
Collierville Sanitation Division Begins Collection of 96 Gallon Recycle Containers starting June 30th, 2014
Collierville Sanitation Division crews are now collecting recyclables from the new 96 gallon recycling carts. Only the new 96 gallon recycling carts should be placed at the curb for collection. The 18 gallon recycling bins previously used will no longer be collected. The 18 gallon recycling bin will remain with you to use as you would like. If you have no use for it leave the bin at the street and the Town will dispose of it. (It will be sent to the recycling center)
For more information click on the following links or contact Public Services at (901)457-2800:
Help the Environment this Spring by properly placing yard waste at the curb for collection
Spring is around the corner and with the warmer weather residents Town wide will begin working in their yards again. This is also the time of season when most residents begin trimming trees and bushes along their properties.
The Public Service Department would like to remind all residents to please separate their brush and yard trimmings from other items such as bagged grass/leaves and junk at the curb.
By separating your clean brush from other materials such as grass bags, cardboard, steel or plastic pieces, the Solid Waste Collection Division is able to take the brush to a mulching facility where the material can be ground and beneficially reused as mulch. This allows our Town the ability to improve the environment and save space in local landfills.
Correct Placement of Yard Waste
Incorrect Placement of Yard Waste
In addition to separating your materials at the curb you can also help the environment by . is the natural recycling of grass clippings by leaving them on the lawn when mowing. It is a simple and effective way to help conserve landfill capacity, while saving time, work, and money and the benefit is a greener, healthier lawn. All mowers can . Simply remove your mower's collection bag and properly block the discharge. Many manufacturers have attachments or special designs that improve a mower's grass-cycling performance. Check with your local retailer for more information.Household Garbage Collection
Household Garbage Placement
Household garbage must be placed in the Green cart (kitchen, bathroom, personal and/or indoors-type wastebasket trash) to be picked up. Garbage on top of the cart lid or beside the cart will not be picked up. Propping the lid up is acceptable if the garbage is bagged, but cart cannot be overflowing.
Items such as bagged grass, bagged leaves, boxes, branches, boards, carpet, metal, will not be collected by the Automated Truck (Green cart). Other trucks will pick up these items on your regular collection day.
Excess Household Garbage
Please ensure that all household garbage is placed inside the green garbage carts for collection. Due to the use of automated garbage trucks household garbage not placed inside the carts will not be collected. Excess household garbage can be stacked inside the cart with the lid propped open.