Waste Disposal Landfill
(970) 498-5771 or (970) 498-5773
24-hour information line: (970) 498-5770
Residential hazardous waste is accepted from Larimer County residents at no charge. All other qualified waste may be accepted through our BHAPE Program (Business Hazardous Waste Assistance Program and Education) for a fee. Call (970) 498-5760 for more information on the "Be Happy" Program. BHAPE
What is household hazardous waste?
Household hazardous waste (HHW) is any substance containing ingredients that could negatively affect your safety, health or the environment. Signal words found on hazardous products include poison, danger, warning and caution. They can be found on a wide range of products, including furniture polish, bleach, antifreeze, insecticides, paint, mothballs and much more.
Also look for indications of hazardous properties on the label. Such properties are defined by the Environmental Hazards Management Institute as follows:
- Toxic: can cause injury or death if swallowed, absorbed or inhaled
- Flammable: easily catches fire and tends to burn rapidly
- Corrosive: a chemical or its vapors that can cause a material or living tissue to be destroyed
- Explosive: violently bursting when exposed to pressure or heat
- Irritant: causes soreness or swelling of the skin, eyes, mucous membranes or respiratory system
Why can't I just throw HHW away with the trash?
Dumping unused portions of household hazardous wastes in the trash or down the drain can cause safety and environmental problems. If buried in the landfill, chemicals can react and cause explosions or make their way into the groundwater. While the county strictly monitors the landfill's groundwater and gas emissions, and acts quickly to rectify any problems found, it is much easier to prevent such problems from occurring in the first place by properly disposing of or recycling hazardous wastes.
So please act responsibly! Bring your unwanted HHW to the county's hazardous waste collection facility at the landfill. It's free for all Larimer County residents!
Hours, location and other information
MONDAY, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Closed to the public Wednesday)
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Larimer County Landfill
5887 S. Taft Hill Road
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Bring your household chemicals in non-leaking, labeled containers that can be left at the facility. Pack your waste upright in boxes. No garbage bags nor large containers such as trash cans full of waste. This is unsafe for you and the staff if waste leaks and mixes. Do not bring containers larger than 5 gallons in size as they will not be accepted. The HHW staff and manager reserve the right to refuse waste that is unacceptable, unsafe or not a typical residential waste. If you have commercial waste, please see the business waste section.
The County opened the Rocky Mountain region's first permanent household hazardous waste collection facility in 1989. Since that time, more than 17 million pounds of household hazardous wastes have been diverted from the landfill. The Collection Facility is located at the Larimer County Landfill south of Fort Collins on Taft Hill Road, or north of Loveland on Wilson Ave. See map.
What Materials Are Accepted, and What Materials are not Accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility?
Note: To learn more about an item for either Accepted or Not Accepted, select that item. Additional information and resources are provided for most items, especially for Not Accepted.