Carroll County Waste Disposal
All households in the cities of Carroll County are provided with weekly curbside pickup of recyclable materials on the same day and at the same time when their garbage is picked up. Please see the brochure for how to prepare your red recycling container for pickup.
Rural Recycling
Drop off sites have been established for rural residents in Carroll County to also participate in the recycling program. Absolutely no garbage is accepted at these sites. View locations of dropboxes and recycling trailers.
All recyclables materials can also be delivered free of charge to the recycling center during normal business hours.
The Commission provides blue recycling bags for commercial businesses to recycle paper products. The businesses can work with their contracted hauler about pickup or deliver the bags directly to the recycling center.
Local haulers providing this service in Carroll County include Ray's Refuse Service, 712-792-4071 and Carroll Refuse Service, 712-792-0101. If you need information outside of Carroll County, call 712-792-5001.
Appliances include washing machines, stoves, clothes dryers, microwaves, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, furnaces, refrigerators, and freezers. The Commission has a contract with Quandt Auto Salvage who comes and picks up the appliances and demanufactures them according to Iowa's regulations. After the appliances are demanufactured, the scrap metal is sold to a salvage yard. Cost for disposal is $10 per appliance.
The Commission has a processor, Liberty Tire, who picks up tires that are brought for proper disposal. All sizes of tires are accepted. Please call for the current disposal price.
Trees, Sticks and Brush
The Commission has an area designated for trees, sticks and bushes which are ground up by a company and used for bedding. Any tree with a diameter of over 18 inches must be taken to the landfill. The cost for trees, sticks and bushes is $43 per ton delivered, minimum charge $2.00.
Yard Waste
The Commission has an area designated for grass and leaves. All grass and leaves must be emptied out of the bags and the bags taken home and reused or put in the garbage. There is no cost for disposal of grass and leaves.
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